

Hello, I’m Frannie Matthews, PBS12’s Interim President and General Manager. As you may have heard, Kristen Blessman stepped away from PBS12 in late April and, with gratitude, I am excited to share that I’ll be stepping in. As I begin this new journey with all of you, I want to acknowledge members like you, and PBS12 staff in appreciation of your warm welcome. Change can be challenging sometimes, but I see it as an exciting opportunity to build on what has started.

I begin my tenure with PBS12 on the heels of Kristen Blessman, who created an amazing strategy and vision for the organization, and it’s a privilege to move forward on that same trajectory.

Together, we’ll continue to drive forward with a focus on technological advancement, community collaboration, impactful storytelling, and original programming development. I am deeply appreciative of the trust and confidence placed in me, and I am committed to driving forward the Impact Media for Colorado mission and ensuring we continue to share the stories of our communities throughout the state.

Warmest regards,
Frannie Matthews
PBS12 Interim President and General Manager