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A bequest to PBS12 will qualify your estate for a charitable deduction equal to the entire amount you bequeath.

legal details for your attorney

PBS12 legal name and address: Colorado Public Television, Inc., is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt charitable organization, located at 2900 Welton Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80205.

PBS12 Federal Tax ID: 84-072-3918

sample language

A bequest may be made in several ways:

  • Percentage bequest – Your gift adjusts with changes in the size of your estate.
  • Specific bequest – You specify a dollar amount or asset to be given.
  • Residual bequest – A residual bequest comes to us after your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid.

We’ve provided some sample language below to share with your attorney.

percentage bequest language

I give ___% of my estate to Colorado Public Television, Inc. (PBS12) for its general use and purposes. PBS12, a Colorado nonprofit public benefit corporation, is currently located at 2900 Welton Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80205.

PBS12 Federal Tax ID: 84-072-3918

specific bequest language

I give [$___ or specific asset] to Colorado Public Television, Inc. (PBS12) for its general use and purposes. PBS12, a Colorado nonprofit public benefit corporation, is currently located at 2900 Welton Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80205.

PBS12 Federal Tax ID: 84-072-3918

residual beqeust language

I give ___% of the residue of my estate to Colorado Public Television, Inc. (PBS12) for its general use and purposes. PBS12, a Colorado nonprofit public benefit corporation, is currently located at 2900 Welton Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80205.

PBS12 Federal Tax ID: 84-072-3918

please let us know

By informing PBS12 of your plans, you help us prepare for the future and, equally important, you give us the chance to thank you for your generous gift!

With gifts of this kind, you will automatically become a member of PBS12’s 12 Trust. Please contact Vanessa Clark at 303.296.1212 or contact us online to let us know that you are a new member!

If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, we pledge not to publish or disclose your identity. Everything will be held in strictest confidence, but you will still enjoy the benefits of your membership.